
Friday, October 8, 2010

Master Uechi Kanei Performing Sanchin

I have never really looked at the digital clips of Uechi Kanei online until recently. When I looked at this clip I thought, this is what I see all the time in our dojo from our Dans and some 1 Kyus. Granted there are some differences, but I would imagine that a lot of them are due to this clip was probably made for slower, demonstration purposes.

My Sensei, Nestor Folta, studied under the direct tutelage of Uechi Kanei for five years in Okinawa. I can see the how he learned from Uechi Kanei. I feel pretty good that we are learning Sanchin the way it’s supposed to be done in Uechi-ryu. Though I still have a long way to go.

Here then is a sample of what you may see in our dojo on any given day.

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