
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Those Darned Katas

Preparing for karate training after a long break really exposes what you have forgotten. Katas are one part of training you think you'll never forget. It's like riding a bicycle, once you learn that is all you need to do. Well that was not the case for me.

When I began I knew I would trouble with Seichin and prepped for that. However I did not expect to go blank at the end of Kanshiwa or the middle of Kanshu. Sanchin was the only bicycle kata for me. It only took me one evening to straighten myself out, but I had to use an old standby to help me. Videos. When I first started training it was hard to remember all the kata steps and movements. I trained in class twice a week and wrote down what I learned. But it wasn't enough.

There are many videos online of people performing kata. The problem is that they are of varying quality and even within the same style of martial arts they are performed differently, Uechi-ryu is no ecxeption.

I use videos to help me remember the sequence of the steps/moves while taking pains not to imitate what the performer was doing. You still perform the moves as taught by your Sensei - do not forget this if you decide to try using videos as a training aid.

For Uechi-ryu Kyu katas I like the ones by Anthony Licalzi on the Streaming Videos page. His videos are slow speed, he performs crisp moves and is easy to follow. They are not perfect as sometimes he is not facing the camera, etc. But don't complain, they are great examples and *free*.  There are also many videos on kumite, bunkai, and more on the Internet available for use. These people are really great to provide these resources for us to use.

Again the videos are here but feel free to search for ones that suit you better and remember that it is an aid, not a substitute for learning in class.

Ed. Note: I mixed up Seisan for Seichin in the orginal post. Sorry for any confusion.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Getting Ready to Train

I have been working on a post for about three weeks and it is still all over the place. It needs to be reworked and potentially scrapped, it's about monks in the East and West and meditation and some other stuff.  In the meantime I almost forgot that I will begin training again so here is a short piece on that.

It has been a very long time but I am ready to test the training waters again. The Summer sessions have begun and I start my Uechi-ryu class next week.

My son is back today so it kind of feels normal for me again.  My back is feeling better and I have been running. I just haven't been training will be a rude awakening. :-)

I do look forward to it and have spoken with our Sensei about my condition and goals for now. It should be a good experience.

I need a headband!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Blog - Mechanical Time

I have started a new blog about my interest watches. It's more of an outlet for my hobby and appreciation of manufacture d'horlogerie. It hasn't taken a set direction yet but I look forward to seeing how it goes. I'm still trying to figure out a tie-in with Uechi-ryu. :-) Take a look when you can.

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